Archive for Cevian

HAAS Meeting, 11/16/2012

Hikounin Sentai Akibaranger Ep 8
Carnival Phantasm Ep 4
Irresponsible Captain Tylor Ep 20
Robotics;Notes Ep 2
Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure Ep 3


Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai Ep 3
Little Busters Ep 3
Serial Experiments Lain Ep 2
Magi Ep 2
Psycho-Pass Ep 3

HAAS Meeting, 10/26/2012

The meeting was cut short by the request of the Foundry because they were short-staffed. We will attempt to have a bit more HAAS to make up for it this week.

Anime Shown:
Girls und Panzer Ep 1
Hikounin Sentai Akibaranger Ep 7
The Irresponsible Captain Tylor Ep 19
Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure Ep 2
Sakurasou no Pet no Kanojou Ep 2
Moe Space Pirates Ep 16
Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai Ep 2

The following four shows will be shown this week, but due to the amount they will not be up for doubling:
Busou Shinki
To-Love Ru Darkness

Next Two Meetings

Hey guys, just letting you know that the next two HAAS Meetings will be on SUNDAY not FRIDAY and they will be starting at 5:30 and ending an hour earlier to help people who need to wake up Monday for work.

Cya Sunday!

Impromptu HAAS Rescheduling!

The Foundry accidentally double booked the room HAAS is on tonight, so HAAS is cancelled for tonight. The meeting has been moved to Sunday Night, same Bat Time and Bat Channel. We’ve also got a hastily thrown together extra tomorrow night. Details and faster news are available at our facebook group:

HAAS Meeting (3-16-2012)


Hey, it’s me, Cevian the El Presidente. Saeline is actually in the Japan Land these next two weeks, so I’m updating again for a couple weeks.

Anime Watched:

Yakitate Japan! – Ep. 2
Garzey’s Wing (OVA) – Ep. 1
Kamen Rider Fourze – Ep. 2
The Girl Who Leapt Through Space – Ep. 3
Toradora – Ep. 12


To Aru Kagaku no Railgun – Ep. 15
Ranma 1/2 – Ep. 2.4
Sora no Otoshimono – Ep. 7
Mouretsu Space Pirates – Ep. 8
The Irresponsible Captain Tylor – Ep. 5

The Daily Lives of Highschool Boys and Symphogear were suppose to get in but were unavailable, so they will be in next week automatically..

HAAS Meeting (12-9-2011)

The Irresponsible Captain Tylor Ep1
To aru Kagaku no Railgun Ep4
Toradora Ep2
Tiger & Bunny Ep20


Ranma 1/2 Ep11
Fate/Zero Ep7
Ben-To Ep8
Mirai Nikki Ep6
Freezing Ep11

HAAS Meeting (12-2-2011)

Macross Frontier The Move: Wings of Goodbye


Toradora Ep1
Ben-To Ep7
Fate/Zero Ep6
Tiger & Bunny Ep19
Ranma 1/2 Ep10

HAAS Meeting (11-25-2011)

To aru Majutsu no Index Ep1
To aru Kagaku no Railgun Ep3
Fate/Zero Ep5
Nichijou Ep13


Ranma 1/2 Ep9
Mirai Nikki Ep5
Persona 4 Ep2
Tiger & Bunny Ep18
Ben-To Ep6
Dog Days Ep9

HAAS Meeting (11-18-2011)

The first meeting at the Foundry went great!

Nichijou Ep12
Tiger & Bunny Ep17
C^3 Ep1
Ramna 1/2 Ep8
To aru Kagaku no Railgun Ep2
Ben-To Ep5
Mirai Nikki Ep4
Fate/Zero Ep4

HAAS Meeting (11-5-2011)

Phi Brain Ep1
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai  Ep0
Sacred Seven Ep1
Ben-To Ep4
Mirai Nikki Ep3
Ranma 1/2 Ep7
Nichijou Ep11
Dog Days Ep8
Tiger & Bunny Ep16
Fate/Zero Ep3


This Friday will be the first meeting at The Foundry.